GO Beach Houses Group
  Cristina Andersson
Playas del Uruguay
Jean Valjean Inversiones
                     Punta del Este - José Ignacio -Rocha
                                               Todas la posibilidades


Radio online 93.5 Azul FM (Punta del Este):

(Visite el hiper-vínculo "Todo Punta" con toda la información de interés, restaurantes, yacht, viajes, etc.)

Arte / Arts         

                    Here our important friends in the world of art.
                    The best art in the world at home

 Important: Jean Valjean Investments has the great pleasure and honored of presenting his artist friends.
If you want a piece of art, should deal exclusively with the artist. Thanks
"Your house can wear their paintings" 


Great pleasure! Great honor! To listen to Cristina Andersson in Träume
Cristina Andersson singing Träume from Richard Wagner. Pianist Ilmari Raikkonen.

(Is Richard Wagner’s study for Tristan und Isolde. It is the fifth and the last song of the cycle to Mathilde Wesendonk’s poems)

Cristina Andersson
finnish, swedish, english, italian, spanish, germa

"Hola Gustavo
I like your website very much and of course I would be glad if you added my song! ... Un saludo muy amabile

"Cristina !
Thanks for the song, I listen with great pleasure ... Te envío mi mejor saludo y todo mi afecto, Gustavo"

Cristina Andersson:

Her extraordinary career as both a gifted soprano and an accomplished academic has taken her from classrooms at University campuses to giving Command Performance singing for Heads of State.

A true International ambassador of learning, winning and music, Cristina shares her secrets about success in her acclaimed book, The Winning Helix, the art of learning and manifesting your true potential. The techniques described in her book are so efficiently presented that UK led Silver Fox Venture Partners made it 'required reading' for their entpreneurship academy.

Cristina is a Consulting Professor to Institutions and Corporations. She applies her methods, theories and ideas about learning in various training programs including leadership, strategic planning, coaching and teamwork. Through her lectures, she takes clients through the winning process, creating inestimable value both in human and organisational applications. Nothing succeeds like success and the feel good factor brings rewards across all dimensions.

In her role as a singer, Cristina has performed in several solorecitals including music from ie. Jean Sibelius, Richard, Wagner, W.A. Mozart, Toivo Kuula in a repetoire that spans as well the operatic catalogue as classical lied-repertoire. Singing to critical acclaim, Cristina is the epitome of the 'renaissance woman' who enthusiasm for excellence in all fields is contagious. As a consultant or in her capacity as a singer, Cristina's ability is acknowledged by her clients and fans alike.


* I am currently working on a concept that combines psychology of winning and music. The concept helps companies make better business and profit. It also helps individuals to learn and change and to commit on a deep level to the goals and processes.

You can hear me sing at: http://frejasapples.wordpress.com/

*My book "The Winning Helix" which I wrote long before "The Secret" contains the same idea "you get what you order" but also represents an intensive action-learning process that you need to get your order delivered to you. Also it contains a performance oriented learning model that helps you to make your learning more effective and more fun!

Ricard Wager

Mathilde Wesendonk

El "Asyl" de Villa Wesendonck donde Wagner residió

Villa Wesendonck, Zurich, 1857, hoy Villa Rietberg

Bayreuth Festspielhaus

Wagnerian dreaming

Dear friends,

So many of you have asked me “when will I hear you sing?”.  Very often I have replied “soon” but then never did anything about it anyway.

It is not easy, you know, to make a recording and send it over to the world wide web for anybody to listen. It is an eternal mark in the universe. I felt I will never reach the level of perfection to make that recording. At the same time I felt I owe a song to all the readers of “The Winning Helix”. And not only the readers of my book but also those people who saw me on TV saying that I dream about singing “Isolde” in Bayreuth one day. And of course all my dear friends and family who have so warm-heartedly supported me and my work.

Many of you know about my passion to Richard Wagner’s music and life. I have had the pleasure to visit Bayreuth operafestival two times and those times have been two of my most memorable moments in life.

This song, Träume, is Richard Wagner’s study for Tristan und Isolde. It is the fifth and the last song of the cycle to Mathilde Wesendonk’s poems, and it is the most beautiful of them all. You can hear the same theme on the 2nd act of ‘Tristan’.

Along with the song I wish to share my memories from Bayreuth. Enjoy!



"Whatever my passions demand of me, I become for the time being - musician, poet, director, author, lecturer or anything else" ~ Richard Wagner

Jean Valjean Inversiones      
Terrenos-Chacras Marítimas-Campos-Propiedades-Inversiones



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